Tag Archives: Linguistics

The Indo-European Language, Pt. 2: Linguistics & Genetics| Curious Minds Podcast

Yamna Indo-European Langugue - Curious Minds PodcastIn the previous part of the episode, we learned how linguists were able to reconstruct bits of the ancient & long lost Indo-European language. In this episode, we’ll discover what can these words tell us about life in the Bronze Age, family ties, and nomadic relationships. We’ll also learn about the links between Genetics & Linguistics: a recent genetic finding that explains the unprecedented success of that language: a single lucky mutation that enabled the Yamna People, as they are called today, to digest milk.

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The Indo-European Language, Pt. 1 | Curious Minds

William Jones - Curious Minds PodcastJoin authors Ran Levi & Kelly O’Laughlin as they explore a surprising discovery in the field of linguistics. William Jones, a British judge in India, uncovered the existence of an ancient language, the ancestor of an amazing variety of modern languages – from English and French to the Persian Farsi and Indian Sanskrit.

Curious Minds is a podcast about Science, Technology, and History. Check out more of our episodes.

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